Our MYG crew created their first batch of homemade ice cream, or should I say, masjidmade.
We had a blast at this week’s MYG Ice Cream Social, eating flavors like Blueberry Pomegranate Chocolate Chunk, lactose-free, (but delicious) Peanut Butter Fudge Swirl. After indulging in a bowl of store-bought ice cream, the youth worked together to make our own batch of cream flavored ice cream with only an ice cream maker and their teamwork skills to help. It was a success! They had plenty of goodies to mix in, Haribo gummi bears, frozen tropical fruit, chocolate fudge sauce and more. We wrapped up the day with board games and socialized while we waited for the ice cream to finish churning. It was a delicious Sunday Session!
If you have questions or you’d like to learn more about our Muslim Youth Group, please email Nia Malika Dixon, ICSC MYG Coordinator (MYG@islamiccenter.com) for more information.