A Unique Gift
“My door into the Islamic Center was actually the back door, the New Horizon School, Los Angeles campus,” says Gail. “I was looking for a safe and wholesome Islamic kindergarten for my daughter, and I found it.”
More than 25 years later, Gail fondly recalls the days her daughter attended the Los Angeles and Pasadena campuses as well as the Muslim Youth Group.
“Although she now lives on the East Coast, some of her dearest friends are her former classmates from New Horizon. The education she received helped her to become a confident, young Muslim woman,” she adds.
Feeling indebted to the positive experience the school provided her family, Gail later joined the board of the New Horizon School Pasadena, serving for seven years, including six as board chair.
“I am also indebted to the Islamic Center and its founders who have given us a gift that is unique. It is the birthplace of an inclusive Muslim American identity, and its impact has influenced the nation.”